Tech Scoop #2
Back by popular demand!!!

Tech Scoop #2
Back by popular demand!!!
2nd Gen Tech Scoop Academy is now back.
Tech people don’t want to miss this great project from G-Able.
This year, young talents interested in data science careers have the opportunity to learn skills specific to technology and IT solutions. The 4-month program is filled with lessons and experiences from our certified experts who have been working with big clients.
For its 2nd gen, G-Able handcrafts curriculum that will equip participants with expertise specific to data science careers. They will gain up-to-date knowledge on various tools such as SQL, Shell Script, Python Databrick (Azure/AWS), Power BI, and Oracle. Hands-on sessions will help young talents understand how things are done. Project pitching lets them showcase their capabilities, which could open their doors to full-time positions at G-Able. Every participant receives monthly compensation during their stays as well as a certificate for completing the program.
👉 Register at
▸ Open call: now until 31st March 2023
▸ Online test: 5th April 2023
▸ Interview: 18th-20th April 2023
▸ Final results: 21st April 2023 via personal e-mails
▸ Ages 22 to 26 years
▸ Interested in data science careers
▸ Being enrolled in an undergraduate degree or have a bachelor’s in computer sciences, information technology, computer engineering, or related fields
▸ Holding a bachelor’s in other fields but would like to switch to careers in database and data operations
▸ Able to fully participate for the entire duration of 4 months (Between 1st May to 31st August 2023)
#GAble #จีเอเบิล #PossibleSimple #TechEnabler #TechscoopAcademy